O Mistério da Gaveta

The Mystery of the Drawer

The drawer has a mysterious side, doesn't it?

We don't know what it holds, what kind of content we're going to find, we're bombarded with question marks and curiosity whispers in our ears.

Even more so if the drawer has a lock and key, wow, that's so tempting!

We only put a key where it is to safeguard something important, right?

A safe has a key, a house has a key, a car has a key.

By this logic, a drawer with a key is an important drawer!

It is different from the others, it shines more, it is more appealing in the surrounding environment.

Once, when I was young, at a relative's house, I couldn't resist my curiosity and went for a drawer with a key!

She was a little open and so I didn't hesitate to take a peek at what she had.

I opened it delicately so as not to raise alarms, nor be discovered in this transgression of mine, in this invasion of mine without prior warning.

I opened the drawer and what was my surprise?

The drawer was full, full of underwear!

Everyone chooses what they value most in their home, right?

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